Fallon, I would like to take a few moments now having just spent time working on descriptions for our site fuelled, even at this late hour by your efforts and encouragement that “we are getting there” to thank you for all your help and the work you are putting in to get our site returning a profit.
It has been a hard slog for me being quite computer Illiterate to have had to be more involved since our IT man left. Kev our man who stepped into the breach has also worked hard with Ash,Pete et al. I initially worked and enjoyed learning with Jennie.Now with your direction and Ekta’s help I feel we are moving in the right direction.
Some how it does seem to be beginning to work, the site itself your team designed and built was an instant hit, but then was even more refined to better appeal to our prospective customers. Your explanations of the workings of SEO and reports are having the effect of channelling our efforts in the right direction and I look forward to your report on Conversions.
To see the increase in both traffic and sales is most encouraging and given the economic climate I chose to start this totally new and to me foreign business venture in is quite amazing. I look forward to the next Year with (as much as I can ) Vigour but am sure with your help we will be most successful and reap the rewards of all this hard work.