9 posts found.

Alternating PHP Loops with Modulus
A fairly simple operator in PHP is modulus (%), which allows you calculate the remainder of one integer when divided by another. You may ask why this is […]

Increasing maximum products per category in Magento
Recently, one of our clients needed to have more than 1000 products in a category on their Magento store. Every time they clicked Save, they got the normal […]

Create PDF & Mail Attachment in Zend Framework
Zend has a library of classes for managing web functionality with various CRUD methods. The two I’m going to focus on today are Zend_Pdf() and Zend_Mail(). By combining […]

Local Magento with MAMP – Unable to login to admin
I’ve probably already blogged about this but I’m sticking it on the new site so I don’t forget where I put it… There’s a little bug with MAMP […]

Create a Twitter Widget with Twitter API 1.1 & PHP
Following on from my very simple tutorial on Whatever Happened to Twitters Latest Tweets? I thought that I’d compile all of the code that I have created over the […]

Whatever happened to Twitter’s Latest Tweets?
In this tutorial I’m going to show you a few examples of broken “Latest Tweets” implementations across a number of different websites, why these are now broken and […]

How to replace all URLS in WordPress via MySQL after changing domains
James walks through the simple process for cleaning up all old references to your URL after changing domains in Wordpress.

How to achieve SEO-friendly downtime with a 503 holding page
Learn how to apply a 503 status to your website's holding page to achieve SEO friendly downtime that won't negatively effect your website's rankings.