One of the many things which is great about the web industry is the Community behind it. Sharing knowledge and contributions by the Community plays a massive role in everything we do and we’d be lost without it! Networking and social media play a big part in this, enabling us to talk and connect with people from all around the world.
This brings me on to the topic of this blog post; Web Conferences 2016. Now this is an entirely UK based selection of conferences and by all means not all that’s going on in web. There’s so many conferences, debates, meet-ups going on all the time that it would be impossible for me to write about them all! I’ve put together a line up of a few that I’ve heard mentions of a lot and also some I’ve attended in the past (and will be again this year!!).
So make sure you put yourself out there, connect with people in the industry, share tips and techniques but most of all, enjoy what you do! Please comment below with any other conferences that you think are a must! I’ve most definitely missed some so please share below 🙂 (click on the titles to find out more)
WordCamp – London, 8-10 April
WordCamp is a great conference and always on trend. It brings in a good crowd and covers a range of topics.
Mage Titans (mini) – Manchester, 5 May
This is a just a ‘mini’ conference to wet our appetites for the main event later in the year. I went to this conference last year and it’s definitely one to put in your calendar! Was a great day out (and not to forget the evening), picked up a goody bag and learnt a lot!
Design it, Build it (dibi) – Edinburgh, 17-18 March
Only a couple of days away, this is an event for Web Developers & UX Designers. It has a great track of 16 speakers to inspire and teach.
Industry Conf – Newcastle upon Tyne, 20 April
With only a limited number of tickets left (19 at the time of writing!), this conference covers everything from design to front-end web development.
Generate Conf – London, 21-23 September
Generate Conferences are backed by net magazine and Creative Bloq. These conferences spring up all over the world and I’ve only heard great things about them. Keep your eyes on this one for when the list of speakers and tracks are announced.
Frontier Conf – London, 16 November
Frontier conf is focused on all aspects of Front-end design and development. This conference has a fantastic line up and a range of topics discussed, all thought provoking and ‘one day celebration of everything front-end’.
Render – Oxford, 21-22 April
Now this is a conference from the organisers of jQuery UK. 2 days packed of technical front-end talks from another great line up of speakers. You definitely don’t want to miss this one. Be prepared to leave bursting with knowledge and new ideas to put in to your everyday practice.
Scaling WooCommerce – London, 23 May
Something that I saw from a Tweet just today, a meet up in London to discuss the scalability of WooCommerce and hear some case studies. A more intimate conference than some of the others listed, but still one to attend. WooCommerce is gaining ground in the industry and I think some valuable insight can be gained here.