In our industry we work at the forefront of web wizardry & SEO practice. Consumed with the latest google algorithm, design trend, consistently engrossed in the tech world. So it was really nice that when the opportunity presented itself, for Creare to get involved in supporting a charity in Kenya called the Seed Sowing Network. In order to access how fortunate we are and give a little back…
The Seed Sowing Network is a charity which was established to help support schools in Kenya, with the aim to widen the net to ensure this help is reinforced to reach as many children as possible.
Life in Dagoretti (near Nairobi) is a far cry from what we experience in our day to day lives. Typically the children would be living in one roomed huts constructed of corrugated iron, sleeping on the floor with their siblings. The food is really expensive and consists of maize porridge, occasionally with added vegetables.

Usually with one parent or grandparent, few clothes or possessions, and daily they would help to collect essential items like firewood or water (even at primary school age). This life seems primitive, and hard to imagine as we have the luxury of living in a developed country where we take the basic needs for shelter & food for granted.
What The Seed Sowing Network and the school system offers the children, is support, education and the chance to improve their future. Creare got involved in a very fitting way by the team donating items like colouring crayons, pencils, chalk, school shoes & footballs.

This seemed very appropriate for the designers to donate the tools which would allow these children to be creative.
So we collected all the donations together and labeled them “with love from Creareâ€. It was really rewarding to receive the photo’s back from Steve Price who runs the charity, unlike most charity events we get involved in, we got to see how our efforts made a difference.

The end result was lots of happy little faces excited to receive our packs of crayons, pencils, and chalk (the jumbo chalk was a total winner!)
If you would like to find more out about the charity please visit