With Christmas just over 5 weeks away, you would be forgiven if you’ve started to think about the looming festivities. Some well deserved time off and spending time with loved ones will be top of the agenda for most of you.
However, as a commercial e-commerce organisation, thinking that far ahead could do more harm than good. There are some key dates that you need to think about, starting with next Friday.
The Black Friday hypes starts from next week and is set to be the biggest sales event to date. It has been part of the rapid expansion of pre-festive sales that have organically replaced the post-Christmas bargain hunters.
Now preparing for Black Friday has never been more competitive so I hope you have started early. Here are 5 tips to ensure you maximise your revenue potential.
If you advertise your products, the likelihood is people will buy them. Mix up your marketing with both offline and online activity to push out offers and brand. Make your online offers clear and visible on-site. DON’T compete on price otherwise you could spend too much and never make a profit.
Expect your website to get more traffic if you advertise correctly? If your website server is not correctly performing, expect a lot of downtime, so before you start your black Friday promotion, double check the server and ensure it can handle the increase in traffic.
If last year taught you anything, you need to use that to your advantage. Don’t miss a trick – look at analytical data to see where you may have gone wrong and right and use the information to tailor your promotions to key audiences.
If you have a pre-existing social audience, engage with them and let them know about your promotions. If they don’t buy themselves, they may share your status to friends and family.
Nothing says we care like communicating to a customer like they are in store. Consider adding Live Chat to your website for Black Friday so customers don’t pick up the phone for an online query. Think of think of the increase in saving rather than the cost.
So, there you have our advice on how to make the most of Black Friday for your business. For any further questions or for help on setting up your to maximise the Black Friday potential, get in touch with us online.